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New Yorkers Want Bloomberg For Mayor, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; But Not Enough To Change Term Limits

Michael Bloomberg 32 41 17 7 3 Rudolph Giuliani 23 29 22 11 13 David Dinkins 6 24 28 16 15 Edward Koch 19 33 25 6 3

"Bloomberg is at the head of the class, as voters give him higher grades than his predecessors. His overall mark matches his current stratospheric job rating. Mayors Giuliani and Koch get fairly high grades. Mayor Dinkins rates well only among black voters," Carroll said.

New York City voters approve 60 - 27 percent of the job Police Commissioner Kelly is doing. Approval ratings for other city officials are:
  • 51 - 13 percent for Comptroller Thompson;
  • 44 - 25 percent for Council Speaker Quinn;
  • 45 - 17 percent for Public Advocate Gotbaum;
  • 44 - 37 percent for Schools Chancellor Joel Klein;
From July 10 - 14, Quinnipiac University surveyed 999 New York City registered voters, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and nationwide as a public service and for research. For more data --, or call (203) 582-5201.

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 71%     76%     74%     69%     75%     64%     70%
Disapprove              22      19      21      24      20      25      26
DK/NA                    6       5       6       7       6      10       4
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 77%     64%     76%     72%     68%     73%     70%
Disapprove              18      26      19      24      24      23      22
DK/NA                    5      10       5       4       8       4       8
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor? * also 75% on 1/16/07 & 11/17/2005
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 12  Jan 9   Nov 19  Mar 12  Jul 2
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2008*   2003
Approve                 71      70      75      73      71      75      31
Disapprove              22      22      17      20      21      17      60
DK/NA                    6       8       8       7       8       8       8
2. Now I'm going to name seven people who might run for mayor next year. After I read all seven names, please tell me which one you would most like to see elected mayor in 2009. Here are the choices: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Congressman Anthony Weiner, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, City Comptroller William Thompson or Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Bloomberg               38%     43%     35%     43%     43%     24%     43%
Markowitz               11       7      12      12       7      25      10
Kelly                   12      27       8      12      17       7       8
Weiner                  10       6      11      12      10       5       9
Quinn                    7       1      10       2       7       7       6
Thompson                 7       6       8       5       3      18       5
Gotbaum                  4       2       5       4       3       6       7
DK/NA                   10       8      10      10      10       8      13
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Bloomberg               33%     27%     48%     42%     46%     40%     36%
Markowitz                2      27       5       7       4       9      13
Kelly                   16      15       4      12      23      13      12
Weiner                  10       9       9      12       6      10      10
Quinn                    7       7      11       3       5       7       7
Thompson                14       6       6       6       5       9       6
Gotbaum                 10       1       7       2       5       3       6
DK/NA                    9       7      10      16       6       9      12
TREND: Now I'm going to name seven people who might run for mayor next year. After I read all seven names, please tell me which one you would most like to see elected mayor in 2009. Here are the choices: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Congressman Anthony Weiner, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, City Comptroller William Thompson, and Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum? na = not asked
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13
                        2008    2008    2008
Bloomberg               38      na      na
Markowitz               11      13      14
Kelly                   12      23      22
Weiner                  10      16      14
Quinn                    7      10      13
Thompson                 7      10       8
Gotbaum                  4       6       8
DK/NA                   10      22      21
3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 60%     79%     53%     68%     76%     39%     57%
Disapprove              27      13      33      20      12      50      32
DK/NA                   13       9      14      12      13      11      11
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 58%     56%     58%     64%     73%     67%     54%
Disapprove              38      25      28      25      14      24      30
DK/NA                    3      18      14      11      13       9      16
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner? * also 70% on 2/3/06
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7&8 Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 19  Mar 9   Jan 16
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2006 *  2007
Approve                 60      59      62      60      55      70      52
Disapprove              27      30      28      23      30      17      34
DK/NA                   13      11      10      16      16      13      14
4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joel Klein is handling his job as New York City Schools Chancellor?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 44%     49%     44%     45%     42%     48%     46%
Disapprove              37      30      38      36      35      39      37
DK/NA                   19      20      18      19      23      13      17
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 45%     43%     47%     44%     43%     48%     41%
Disapprove              40      37      32      38      41      33      40
DK/NA                   16      21      20      18      17      19      19
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joel Klein is handling his job as New York City Schools Chancellor?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 21  Feb 26  Mar 15
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2003    2007
Approve                 44      37      40      40      44      46      33
Disapprove              37      41      39      37      36      27      43
DK/NA                   19      22      21      24      20      28      24
5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Betsy Gotbaum is handling her job as Public Advocate?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 45%     27%     50%     43%     42%     47%     47%
Disapprove              17      30      14      17      18      21       8
DK/NA                   38      43      36      40      40      32      45
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 43%     46%     43%     47%     42%     44%     46%
Disapprove              23      15      19      15      16      19      16
DK/NA                   34      40      38      38      41      37      39
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Betsy Gotbaum is handling her job as Public Advocate?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 19  May 7   Feb 26
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2008    2003
Approve                 45      48      45      44      40      48      34
Disapprove              17      18      18      18      19      18      17
DK/NA                   38      33      37      38      40      33      49
6. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christine Quinn is handling her job as City Council Speaker?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 44%     40%     48%     41%     42%     45%     41%
Disapprove              25      34      21      27      26      24      23
DK/NA                   31      27      30      33      32      31      37
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 43%     46%     48%     41%     39%     46%     42%
Disapprove              30      21      24      28      22      28      22
DK/NA                   27      33      29      31      39      25      36
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christine Quinn is handling her job as City Council Speaker?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 19  Mar 14  May 7
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2007    2008
Approve                 44      43      48      48      46      51      43
Disapprove              25      30      15      14      16      12      30
DK/NA                   31      27      37      38      37      37      27
7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way William Thompson is handling his job as City Comptroller?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 51%     49%     52%     53%     45%     60%     49%
Disapprove              13      13      13      13      13      10      18
DK/NA                   36      38      36      35      43      30      33
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 59%     49%     52%     50%     46%     55%     48%
Disapprove               9      13      14      14      18      14      13
DK/NA                   32      38      34      36      36      31      39
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way William Thompson is handling his job as City Comptroller? * also 51% 5/7/08
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 19  Jul 16  Feb 26
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2008*   2003
Approve                 51      51      44      48      45      51      35
Disapprove              13      16      11      14      15      13      13
DK/NA                   36      33      46      38      41      36      52
8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the city council is handling its job?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 43%     38%     49%     38%     42%     45%     46%
Disapprove              38      46      33      43      38      36      39
DK/NA                   18      16      17      19      20      19      15
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 35%     43%     44%     51%     36%     42%     44%
Disapprove              50      37      35      36      39      42      35
DK/NA                   15      20      21      13      25      15      21
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the city council is handling its job?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  May 7   Mar 13  Jan 9   Nov 19  Mar 13  Jul 16
                        2008    2008    2008    2008    2007    2008    2008
Approve                 43      47      50      46      45      50      43
Disapprove              38      38      29      31      32      29      38
DK/NA                   18      16      21      23      23      21      18
9. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Very satisfied           9%     15%      6%     12%     14%      4%      7%
Smwht satisfied         48      53      51      46      54      37      42
Smwht dissatisfied      26      18      27      27      21      35      29
Very dissatisfied       15      12      16      14      10      22      20
DK/NA                    1       2       1       1       1       1       2
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Very satisfied           7%      8%     11%      8%     12%     12%      6%
Smwht satisfied         46      48      58      43      37      51      46
Smwht dissatisfied      26      24      22      31      39      24      28
Very dissatisfied       21      17       8      18      12      12      18
DK/NA                    -       3       1       1       -       1       1
TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
                        Jul 16  May 8   Nov 19  Jul 25  Jul 12  Apr 12  Mar 8
                        2008    2008    2007    2007    2006    2006    2006
Very satisfied           9       8      12      10      16      12      14
Smwht satisfied         48      47      53      54      51      56      54
Smwht dissatisfied      26      28      22      23      22      22      20
Very dissatisfied       15      16      11      12      10       9      12
DK/NA                    1       -       2       1       1       1       1
10. How would you rate the job Michael Bloomberg has done as mayor? IF NEEDED: Using an A, B, C, D and F grading scale like they do in school, please rate the job Michael Bloomberg has done as mayor of New York City?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
A                       32%     34%     29%     40%     40%     22%     31%
B                       41      37      47      32      40      42      41
C                       17      20      15      18      13      23      18
D                        7       4       7       6       5      11       6
F                        3       2       2       3       3       2       3
DK/NA                    1       3       -       -       -       -       2
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
A                       28%     31%     34%     33%     33%     32%     32%
B                       49      37      45      40      34      46      37
C                       17      21      14      15      18      14      20
D                        4       9       4       8       8       5       8
F                        2       2       2       3       7       3       3
DK/NA                    -       1       -       1       -       1       1
11. How would you rate the job Rudy Giuliani did as mayor? IF NEEDED: Using an A, B, C, D and F grading scale like they do in school, please rate the job Rudy Giuliani did as mayor of New York City?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
A                       23%     59%     12%     29%     32%     11%     17%
B                       29      26      31      29      29      24      32
C                       22      10      28      17      20      25      25
D                       11       1      13      11       9      16      10
F                       13       1      15      14       9      22      12
DK/NA                    2       3       2       1       1       2       4
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
A                       22%     25%     19%     22%     39%     27%     21%
B                       21      26      31      35      28      31      28
C                       31      21      20      21      16      20      23
D                       10      11      13       8      12       9      12
F                       13      14      15      12       5      12      14
DK/NA                    1       3       2       2       -       1       2
12. How would you rate the job Ed Koch did as mayor?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
A                       19%     21%     18%     20%     21%     14%     27%
B                       33      39      33      31      40      30      23
C                       25      22      25      28      19      30      29
D                        6       3       6       6       6       6       5
F                        3       1       3       3       2       4       1
DK/NA                   15      13      15      13      12      16      15
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
A                       23%     14%     20%     16%     38%     20%     18%
B                       34      32      33      35      31      33      33
C                       28      24      22      27      23      26      24
D                        3       7       4       8       3       6       5
F                        5       2       3       3       -       3       2
DK/NA                    8      21      18      11       6      11      18
13. How would you rate the job David Dinkins did as mayor?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
A                        6%      -       9%      1%      3%     13%      4%
B                       24       6      29      21      13      41      25
C                       28      28      28      28      29      27      30
D                       16      23      16      16      21       8      15
F                       15      37       6      24      23       3      10
DK/NA                   11       6      13      10      10       8      16
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
A                        6%      5%      8%      4%      1%      2%      8%
B                       28      23      26      22      19      19      28
C                       33      26      22      29      39      29      26
D                       14      13      19      18      20      20      14
F                       12      18      13      15      18      22      10
DK/NA                    7      14      11      12       4       7      14
14. Generally speaking, do you favor or oppose setting limits on the number of years elected officials can hold office?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Favor                   71%     68%     73%     70%     69%     77%     60%
Oppose                  23      27      21      27      27      18      30
DK/NA                    6       5       6       3       4       6      10
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Favor                   75%     70%     67%     75%     72%     70%     72%
Oppose                  20      23      27      22      24      25      22
DK/NA                    5       7       6       4       4       5       6
TREND: Generally speaking, do you favor or oppose setting limits on the number of years elected officials can hold office?
                        Jul 16  Mar 1
                        2008    2001
Favor                   71      67
Oppose                  23      28
DK/NA                    6       5
15. Currently, there is an 8 year term limit for all elected New York City officials. Do you favor or oppose extending this limit to 12 years?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Favor                   32%     45%     31%     33%     41%     22%     32%
Oppose                  65      53      66      63      56      76      62
DK/NA                    3       2       3       4       3       2       6
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Favor                   24%     34%     42%     27%     26%     36%     29%
Oppose                  76      60      55      71      68      61      68
DK/NA                    -       6       3       1       6       3       3
TREND: Currently, there is an 8 year term limit for all elected New York City officials. Do you favor or oppose extending this limit to 12 years?
                        Jul 16  Mar 1
                        2008    2001
Favor                   32      34
Oppose                  65      63
DK/NA                    3       4
16. As you may know, Michael Bloomberg will have served 8 years as Mayor by the end of 2009. If Mayor Bloomberg commits to running for a third term as mayor, would you favor or oppose extending the 8 year time limit so you could vote for him?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Favor                   38%     47%     38%     39%     46%     26%     42%
Oppose                  56      50      58      53      47      67      55
DK/NA                    5       2       4       8       7       7       3
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Favor                   31%     37%     44%     39%     38%     40%     37%
Oppose                  65      55      51      57      59      55      58
DK/NA                    4       8       4       4       4       5       5
17. Would you favor or oppose extending the 8 year time limit so your local City Council member can serve four more years?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Favor                   26%     22%     29%     24%     30%     27%     22%
Oppose                  66      69      63      68      60      68      71
DK/NA                    8       9       7       8      10       5       7
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Favor                   23%     23%     31%     25%     34%     31%     23%
Oppose                  70      66      61      69      64      64      68
DK/NA                    6      11       7       6       2       5      10
18. If term limits are altered or abolished and Mayor Bloomberg could run again, which comes closest to your feelings: A) Bloomberg has a lot of good programs he wants to finish; he should get four more years in office OR B) Changing the rules in the middle of the game is unfair; someone else should have the chance to be mayor?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
A) Four more years in
 office                 40%     43%     38%     45%     48%     31%     34%
B) Changing the rules
 is unfair              55      51      57      50      47      67      59
DK/NA                    5       6       5       5       5       3       7
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
A) Four more years in
 office                 34%     38%     46%     40%     39%     42%     38%
B) Changing the rules
 is unfair              61      55      51      54      60      54      56
DK/NA                    4       6       3       7       1       4       6
19. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling the public schools?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Approve                 56%     63%     54%     59%     61%     56%     47%
Disapprove              32      21      34      31      25      37      38
DK/NA                   12      16      12      10      14       7      15
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Approve                 57%     59%     55%     56%     52%     61%     52%
Disapprove              34      30      29      33      40      26      37
DK/NA                   10      11      15      11       9      13      11
Approve                 52%           
Disapprove              38            
DK/NA                   10            
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling the public schools?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Approve Approve
                        Jul 16  Jul 26  Mar 15  Mar 8   Sep 22  Jul 16   May 7
                        2008    2007    2007    2006    2005    2008     2003
Approve                 56      52      50      54      52      56       35
Disapprove              32      33      39      34      33      32       52
DK/NA                   12      14      11      13      14      12       12
20. Are you generally satisfied with the quality of the public schools in New York City, or are you not satisfied?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Satisfied               29%     30%     29%     31%     28%     23%     31%
Not satisfied           59      55      61      56      56      70      58
DK/NA                   12      15      11      13      16       7      11
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Satisfied               20%     28%     32%     34%     26%     32%     27%
Not satisfied           74      59      52      53      70      56      62
DK/NA                    6      12      16      13       4      13      11
Satisfied               38%
Not satisfied           58
DK/NA                    3
TREND: Are you generally satisfied with the quality of the public schools in New York City, or are you not satisfied? * - also 12% on 2/5/04, 3/27/02, 4/20/00, 3/31/97
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Satis   Satis
                        Jul 16  Nov 21  Jul 26  Mar 15  Mar 8   Jul 16  Feb 5
                        2008    2007    2007    2007    2006    2008    2004 *
Satisfied               29      27      25      19      21      29      12
Not satisfied           59      55      63      64      67      59      74
DK/NA                   12      18      12      16      12      12      13
21. Are you generally satisfied with the quality of public schools in your neighborhood, or are you not satisfied?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Satisfied               43%     48%     41%     48%     48%     32%     45%
Not satisfied           45      40      46      38      35      61      45
DK/NA                   12      12      12      14      17       8      10
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Satisfied               30%     43%     43%     47%     60%     44%     42%
Not satisfied           58      46      39      42      34      41      47
DK/NA                   12      11      18      11       6      15      11
Satisfied               53%            
Not satisfied           45             
DK/NA                    3             
TREND: Are you generally satisfied with the quality of the public schools in your neighborhood, or are you not satisfied?
                                                                Highest Lowest
                                                                Satis   Satis
                        Jul 16  Nov 21  Jul 26  Mar 15  Mar 8   Jul 16  Feb 5
                        2008    2007    2007    2007    2006    2008    2004
Satisfied               43      40      38      34      36      43      27
Not satisfied           45      40      46      47      46      45      56
DK/NA                   12      20      16      19      18      12      17
22. Do you think Mayor Bloomberg's take-over of the public schools has been a success or failure?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Success                 54%     63%     53%     57%     56%     51%     60%
Failure                 26      18      28      21      24      28      27
DK/NA                   20      19      19      22      20      21      14
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Success                 60%     46%     60%     56%     54%     62%     48%
Failure                 25      25      21      29      32      21      30
DK/NA                   15      29      19      15      14      17      22
Success                 57%       
Failure                 26        
DK/NA                   17        
TREND: Do you think Mayor Bloomberg's take-over of the public schools has been a success or failure?
                        Jul 16  Nov 21  Jul 26  Mar 15
                        2008    2007    2007    2007
Success                 54      47      51      39
Failure                 26      25      27      34
DK/NA                   20      27      22      27
23. When Michael Bloomberg leaves office, do you think that the next mayor should retain complete control of the public schools, should share control with an independent school board, or should give up all control of the public schools?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Retain control          29%     44%     23%     36%     31%     27%     32%
Share control           55      42      63      50      54      59      49
Give up control          8       8       7       7       6       7      11
DK/NA                    7       6       7       6       9       7       8
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Retain control          32%     29%     34%     24%     25%     36%     24%
Share control           57      53      50      58      68      49      60
Give up control          7       8       6      10       5       8       8
DK/NA                    3       9       9       8       2       7       8
Retain control          23%      
Share control           64       
Give up control          4       
DK/NA                    9       
TREND: When Michael Bloomberg leaves office, do you think that the next mayor should retain complete control of the public schools, should share control with an independent school board, or should give up all control of the public schools?
                        Jul 16  Jul 26
                        2008    2007
Retain control          29      28
Share control           55      51
Give up control          8       9
DK/NA                    7      11
24. As you may know, there was a proposal to use congestion pricing to reduce traffic in New York City by charging a fee for vehicles that drive south of 60th Street in Manhattan. The New York State legislature did not pass this plan. Would you like to see the city try again to get a congestion pricing plan passed?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Yes                     39%     41%     39%     40%     45%     35%     29%
No                      58      53      58      58      52      62      64
DK/NA                    4       6       3       2       3       3       7
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Yes                     31%     34%     52%     38%     31%     47%     31%
No                      65      62      43      59      67      51      64
DK/NA                    4       4       5       3       3       2       5
25. As you may know, the New York State legislature is divided. The Democrats control the Assembly while the Republicans control the State Senate. Regardless of your personal political leaning, do you think this split control of the state legislature has been a good thing or a bad thing?
                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Wht     Blk     Hisp
Good thing              43%     57%     41%     44%     42%     45%     42%
Bad thing               43      33      48      40      44      45      45
DK/NA                   13      10      11      17      14      10      13
                        Brnx    Kngs    Man     Qns     StIsl   Men     Wom
Good thing              51%     44%     33%     46%     52%     46%     41%
Bad thing               36      42      53      42      39      45      42
DK/NA                   14      13      15      12       9       9      17
26. (Republicans and Independents leaning Republican) There has been talk that Mayor Bloomberg would like to install new leadership in the state Republican party. Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?
Good idea               64%     
Bad idea                18      
DK/NA                   18      


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