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Most New Yorkers Like Mike, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Let Protesters Have Central Park, Voters Say

Jul 20, 2004 49 39 12 Jun 9, 2004 50 38 12 Mar 31, 2004 47 41 12 Feb 4, 2004 44 45 11 Nov 25, 2003 37 51 13 Oct 22, 2003 42 47 12 Sep 9, 2003 38 52 11 Jul 2, 2003 31 60 8 May 7, 2003 32 56 12 Feb 26, 2003 48 41 11 Nov 21, 2002 41 46 13 Jul 18, 2002 57 23 19 Mar 27, 2002 62 16 22 Feb 6, 2002 65 6 29
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President?

                        App   Dis   DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            24    72     4
Jun 10, 2004            24    72     5
Feb 4, 2004             31    64     5
Nov 25, 2003            31    64     5
Sep 10, 2003            30    64     6
May 7, 2003             44    50     6
Mar 28, 2002            64    28     8
Feb 6, 2002             68    23     9

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                        App   Dis   DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            61    21    18
Jun 9, 2004             67    16    17
Mar 31, 2004            67    16    17
Feb 5, 2004             65    16    19
Nov 25, 2003            69    15    16
Jul 3, 2003             63    24    13
May 7, 2003             68    15    17
Feb 26, 2003            68    18    14

TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Charles Barron the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")

                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        CB    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            31    43     2     2   22
Jun 9, 2004             34    42     2     2   20 
Mar 31, 2004*           34    41     2     2   20
Feb 4, 2004*            32    43     2     4   19
TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Fernando Ferrer the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")

                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        FF    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            46    39     1     2   11
Jun 9, 2004             45    39     2     1   12
Mar 31, 2004*           45    41     1     2   11
Feb 4, 2004*            46    39     1     3   11
Nov 25, 2003*           51    33     3     3   10

TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were C. Virginia Fields the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")

                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        VF    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            38    42     1     2   17
Jun 9, 2004             39    43     1     2   15
Mar 31, 2004*           39    41     2     2   16

TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Gifford Miller the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")

                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        GM    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            37    39     2     2   20
Jun 9, 2004             38    40     2     2   18
Mar 31, 2004*           38    41     2     2   17
Feb 4, 2004*            37    39     1     4   18
Nov 25, 2003*           41    33     5     2   19

TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were William Thompson the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")
                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        WT    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            35    40     2     2   20
Jun 9, 2004             38    41     2     2   18
Mar 31, 2004*           38    41     2     2   18
Feb 4, 2004*            36    40     2     4   18

TREND: If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Anthony Weiner the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote? (* "Suppose the general election for mayor. . .")

                        Dem   Rep   SMONE WDN'T
                        AW    MB    ELSE  VOTE DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004            34    40     2     2   21
Jun 9, 2004             37    42     2     2   18
Mar 31, 2004*           36    40     2     2   20
Feb 4, 2004*            34    40     2     4   20

TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

                        Very  Smwht Smwht Very
                        sat   sat   dis   dis   DK/NA

Jul 20, 2004             7    49    26    17     1
Jun 9, 2004              9    46    25    18     1
Mar 31, 2004             9    48    26    16     1
Feb 4, 2004              8    47    27    18     1
Nov 25, 2003             5    40    30    24     1 
Oct 22, 2003             8    43    31    18     1
Sep 9, 2003              5    37    32    25     2
Jul 2, 2003              7    23    32    38     1 
May 7, 2003              3    30    34    31     2
Feb 28, 2003             6    43    32    17     2
Nov 21, 2002             5    39    34    20     2
Jul 18, 2002             9    55    24     9     3
Mar 28, 2002            15    56    19     7     2
Aug 2, 2000             20    46    22    11     1
Jun 15, 2000            20    46    22    10     2
Apr 19, 2000            18    45    20    17     1
Apr 8, 1999             16    47    25    12     1
Feb 17, 1999            17    46    22    14     1
Nov 18, 1998            23    51    17     8     1
Feb 11, 1998            18    58    18     5     1
Oct 29, 1997            12    58    19    10     1
Oct 1, 1997             15    53    22     9     1
Mar 27, 1997            11    54    22    12     1
Feb 11, 1997            11    54    24    11     1
Nov 19, 1996             8    53    25    13     1

TREND: Would you say that Michael Bloomberg has strong leadership qualities or not?
                        Yes   No    DK/NA 

Jul 20, 2004            64    32     4
Jun 9, 2004             65    28     8
Mar 31, 2004            65    31     5
Feb 4, 2004             60    34     5               
Sep 9, 2003             48    45     7               
Jul 2, 2003             53    42     5               
May 7, 2003             61    35     5               
Feb 26, 2003            57    38     5               
Oct 24, 2001            73    12    15              

TREND: Would you say that Michael Bloomberg is honest and trustworthy or not?
                        Yes   No    DK/NA         

Jul 20, 2004            66    25     9
Jun 9, 2004             64    24    12
Mar 31, 2004            61    29    10
Feb 4, 2004             63    28     9               
Sep 9, 2003             60    29    11              
Jul 2, 2003             57    34     9               
May 7, 2003             57    30    13
Oct 24, 2001            59    13    28              

TREND: Would you say that Michael Bloomberg is in touch with the problems ordinary New Yorkers face or not?
                        Yes   No    DK/NA 

Jul 20, 2004            35    60     5
Jun 9, 2004             37    55     8
Mar 31, 2004            37    56     7

TREND: Would you say that Michael Bloomberg cares about the needs and problems of people like you, or not?
                        Yes   No    DK/NA 

Jul 20, 2004            42    52     6
Jun 9, 2004             40    52     8
Mar 31, 2004            42    50     8
Feb 4, 2004             42    51     7
May 7, 2003             33    60     7               
Feb 26, 2003            41    53     6               
Oct 24, 2001            47    29    24              

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 49%   61%   45%   54%   58%   39%   41%   53%   46%
Disapprove              39    27    44    33    30    52    43    36    42
DK/NA                   12    11    11    13    12     9    16    11    13

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Approve                 42%   45%   56%   50%   52%   42%
Disapprove              44    43    33    38    32    48
DK/NA                   14    12    11    12    16    10

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 24%   71%   13%   24%   31%   13%   24%   29%   20%
Disapprove              72    23    85    71    66    83    69    68    75
DK/NA                    4     5     3     5     3     4     8     3     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Approve                 23%   23%   20%   25%   43%   21%
Disapprove              69    74    77    71    56    76
DK/NA                    8     3     4     4     1     3

3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 61%   71%   59%   60%   67%   58%   55%   64%   59%
Disapprove              21    20    23    18    14    26    29    20    22
DK/NA                   18     9    17    22    19    16    15    16    19

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Approve                 55%   58%   62%   65%   71%   59%
Disapprove              24    21    20    22    16    27
DK/NA                   20    21    18    13    12    14

4. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Gifford Miller the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Miller                  37%   13%   50%   26%   27%   57%   44%   37%   37%
Bloomberg               39    69    29    49    49    25    34    44    35
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          2     2     3     2     3     2     3     1     3
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     -     2     1     1     2     3     2     2
DK/NA                   20    16    17    21    20    15    17    15    23

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Miller                  41%   39%   38%   34%   22%   43%
Bloomberg               31    33    39    49    56    34
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          3     2     2     2     5     5
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1     3     2     1     1     2
DK/NA                   24    23    19    14    16    16

5. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Fernando Ferrer the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Ferrer                  46%   17%   59%   35%   30%   68%   60%   43%   49%
Bloomberg               39    69    28    49    55    21    27    44    35
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          1     2     2     1     2     1     2     1     2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     3     2     2     2     1     3     2     3
DK/NA                   11     9     9    13    11     9     8    10    12

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Ferrer                  67%   49%   39%   40%   35%   56%
Bloomberg               21    35    44    47    49    33
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          1     1     1     2     5     3
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     4     1     2     1     2
DK/NA                   10    11    14     9    10     7

6. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were William Thompson the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Thompson                35%   16%   46%   26%   22%   60%   43%   33%   37%
Bloomberg               40    69    32    47    52    20    39    46    36
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          2     1     2     2     2     1     3     2     2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     1     2     3     2     2     3     2     2
DK/NA                   20    13    18    22    22    18    13    17    23

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Thompson                41%   40%   33%   30%   25%   37%
Bloomberg               33    32    42    50    52    38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          2     2     1     3     5     5
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     2     2     2     1     3
DK/NA                   22    23    22    16    18    17

7. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Charles Barron the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Barron                  31%    9%   41%   22%   18%   52%   41%   28%   33%
Bloomberg               43    71    34    50    55    25    40    49    38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          2     2     3     1     2     1     2     2     2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     1     1     3     2     2     3     2     2
DK/NA                   22    17    21    24    23    19    15    19    25

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Barron                  37%   33%   27%   29%   23%   34%
Bloomberg               35    38    44    52    52    40
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          3     1     2     2     5     4
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     2     2     2     2     2
DK/NA                   23    26    24    15    18    21

8. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were Anthony Weiner the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Weiner                  34%   11%   46%   25%   26%   48%   45%   34%   35%
Bloomberg               40    71    31    47    49    28    37    46    36
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          2     2     2     3     2     1     2     2     3
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     1     1     2     2     2     2     2     1
DK/NA                   21    15    19    23    21    21    14    17    25

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Weiner                  39%   41%   29%   31%   25%   37%
Bloomberg               34    32    44    47    56    38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          3     3     2     2     3     4
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1     2     2     2     1     2
DK/NA                   23    23    23    18    15    20

9. If the election for mayor were being held today, and the candidates were C. Virginia Fields the Democrat, and Michael Bloomberg the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

C. Virginia Fields      38%    8%   49%   30%   23%   65%   42%   33%   41%
Michael Bloomberg       42    73    33    49    55    20    41    47    38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          1     2     1     2     2     1     1     1     2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     1     2     2     2     2     3     2     2
DK/NA                   17    16    15    18    18    13    14    17    18

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

C. Virginia Fields      49%   39%   37%   32%   26%   43%
Michael Bloomberg       33    36    45    49    55    38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          -     1     1     2     5     3
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2     3     2     2     1     2
DK/NA                   16    21    16    15    13    14

10. Who would you most like to see the Democrats nominate for Mayor in 2005 if the candidates were - Gifford Miller, Fernando Ferrer, William Thompson, C. Virginia Fields, Charles Barron, Anthony Weiner, and Michael Bloomberg?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Miller                   8%    4%    9%    8%   12%    4%    8%   11%    6%
Ferrer                  25    17    28    23    18    28    41    27    24
Thompson                 6     6     6     7     4    12     5     6     6
Fields                  12     4    15     9     8    24     7     8    15
Barron                   3     1     2     4     1     6     2     2     3
Weiner                   7     5     8     4    10     2     5     7     6
Bloomberg               19    36    13    23    24     9    13    21    17
DK/NA                   21    27    19    21    23    14    19    19    22

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Miller                   6%    7%   11%    8%    8%    9%
Ferrer                  45    21    20    24    21    27
Thompson                 3     7     8     6     5     7
Fields                  11    11    17     8     9    13
Barron                   3     5     1     2     -     5
Weiner                   6     9     3     6     7     5
Bloomberg               11    14    20    25    33    18
DK/NA                   14    26    20    21    18    16

11. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Very satisfied           7%   16%    5%    8%   11%    2%    5%   10%    5%
Smwht satisfied         49    56    46    55    58    39    47    51    47
Smwht dissatisfied      26    18    28    24    21    32    28    21    29
Very dissatisfied       17     9    20    12     9    26    18    16    18
DK/NA                    1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Very satisfied           4%    8%   10%    7%    6%    6%
Smwht satisfied         39    46    54    51    62    45
Smwht dissatisfied      30    26    24    25    22    33
Very dissatisfied       25    19    11    16    10    15
DK/NA                    2     2     1     1     -     1

12. What do you think is the most important problem facing New York City today?
                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Economy total:          21%   18%   24%   24%   17%   28%   25%   22%   23%
Economy general          5     7     5     6     5     5     6     7     4
Unemployment/jobs       13     9    15    14     9    20    15    12    15
Cost of living           3     2     4     4     3     3     4     3     4

Education total:        19%   12%   17%   18%   17%   21%   18%   17%   19%
Education general       11     7    10    12    11    14     9    11    11
Teachers                 2     1     2     1     1     3     1     1     2
Funding education        4     1     4     4     4     3     7     4     4
School choice/Vouchers   1     3     -     -     -     -     -     1     1
Education other          1     -     1     1     1     1     1     -     1

Terrorism total:        13%   23%   13%   11%   16%    9%   13%   13%   14%
Terrorism general        6    13     6     6     9     4     5     7     6
Security/Safety          5     8     5     4     7     3     3     6     5
War                      2     2     2     1     -     2     5     -     3

Crime total:             9%   10%    8%    9%    8%   10%    9%    8%    9%
Crime/Violence general   7     8     6     7     6     8     6     7     6
Youth crime/Gangs        1     1     1     -     1     1     2     1     1
Drugs                    1     1     1     2     1     1     1     -     2

Housing total:           8%    5%   10%    8%    8%    9%    8%    6%    9%
Housing general          2     1     2     3     2     2     3     2     2
Housing Costs/
 Availability            4     3     5     4     5     4     4     3     5
Rent control/
 Stabilization           1     -     1     -     -     1     -     -     1
 population              1     1     2     1     1     2     1     1     1

Budget total:            3%    2%    3%    4%    3%    3%    1%    4%    2%
Budget general           1     1     1     2     1     1     1     2     1
Budget cuts services     1     1     1     1     1     1     -     1     1
Budget priorities        1     -     1     1     1     1     -     1     -

Taxes general            4     6     3     3     3     1     5     4     3
Police general           1     -     1     -     -     -     2     1     -
Poverty/Homelessness     2     1     3     1     2     3     1     2     2
Racism/Race relations    1     1     1     1     -     1     1     1     1
Healthcare/Costs/Ins.    1     2     1     1     1     2     1     1     2
Transportation other     1     1     1     1     1     -     1     1     1
Politicians general      1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     -
Other                    7     6     6     7     8     5     6     8     5
DK/NA                    3     3     3     3     4     1     2     3     3

13. How would you describe your overall opinion of Michael Bloomberg? Would you say you -- like Bloomberg a lot, like him a little, dislike him a little or dislike Bloomberg a lot?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Like a lot              19%   34%   15%   20%   27%    9%   14%   20%   18%
Like a little           42    38    41    48    44    41    38    43    41
Dislike a little        21    15    23    18    16    26    27    19    22
Dislike a lot           15     8    18    11    11    20    16    13    16
DK/NA                    3     5     3     3     2     4     5     5     3

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Like a lot              12%   15%   27%   20%   23%   18%
Like a little           40    42    40    44    43    38
Dislike a little        26    23    16    21    16    25
Dislike a lot           17    16    14    12    15    17
DK/NA                    4     3     4     3     4     2

14. (If "dislike little or lot q13") Which of the following is the main reason why you dislike Michael Bloomberg -- is it mainly; because he is a republican, because of his policies, because of his wealth, because of his personality or because of something else?

                        BLOOMBERG Q13

He is Republican         5%
His policies            64
His wealth               4
His personality         10
Something else          16
DK/NA                    2

15. Would you say that Michael Bloomberg has strong leadership qualities or not?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     64%   74%   61%   65%   70%   56%   59%   64%   64%
No                      32    23    34    31    26    40    37    32    31
DK/NA                    4     3     4     4     4     4     5     4     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Yes                     57%   61%   65%   70%   66%   63%
No                      36    34    31    27    32    34
DK/NA                    7     5     4     3     3     3

16. Would you say that Michael Bloomberg is honest and trustworthy or not?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     66%   74%   62%   72%   79%   53%   55%   72%   62%
No                      25    21    29    19    15    34    35    21    28
DK/NA                    9     5     9     9     6    13    10     7    10

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Yes                     55%   61%   72%   72%   75%   61%
No                      31    27    21    23    19    28
DK/NA                   14    12     7     4     6    12

17. Would you say that Michael Bloomberg is in touch with the problems ordinary New Yorkers face or not?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     35%   56%   30%   35%   41%   24%   30%   36%   34%
No                      60    37    66    58    53    73    65    59    61
DK/NA                    5     7     4     6     6     3     5     5     6

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Yes                     32%   29%   36%   39%   47%   28%
No                      64    64    60    57    48    69
DK/NA                    4     7     5     4     6     3

18. Would you say that Michael Bloomberg cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     42%   63%   35%   45%   54%   26%   33%   45%   39%
No                      52    32    58    47    41    68    61    49    55
DK/NA                    6     5     6     7     6     6     6     6     7

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Yes                     31%   35%   53%   44%   50%   36%
No                      62    56    42    51    47    59
DK/NA                    7     9     6     5     3     5

19. As you may know the 2004 Republican national convention will be held in New York City. Do you think this will be good for New York City, bad for New York City, or won't it make a difference?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Good                    40%   57%   34%   43%   38%   43%   39%   42%   38%
Bad                     25    14    29    24    33    16    26    24    26
No difference           30    25    32    28    23    37    32    29    30
DK/NA                    5     4     5     5     7     4     3     4     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Good                    44%   41%   32%   43%   42%   39%
Bad                     21    20    31    28    27    26
No difference           29    33    32    26    25    31
DK/NA                    6     5     5     4     6     4

20. Are you planning on leaving New York City as a result of the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     12%    4%   13%   13%   14%    8%   14%   11%   12%
No                      85    91    82    85    82    90    83    86    84
AWAY ANYWAY(VOL)         2     2     3     3     3     2     1     2     3
DK/NA                    1     2     2     -     1     1     2     1     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Yes                     10%   10%   18%   11%    7%   13%
No                      85    87    77    88    89    83
AWAY ANYWAY(VOL)         4     3     3     1     2     2
DK/NA                    2     1     2     1     2     2

21. When the Republican convention comes to New York, do you think the city should or should not allow protestors to demonstrate in Central Park?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Should                  75%   57%   81%   74%   73%   83%   72%   77%   73%
Should not              21    39    16    22    25    13    21    20    22
DK/NA                    4     5     3     5     2     5     7     3     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Should                  72%   77%   77%   73%   67%   78%
Should not              22    17    20    25    28    18
DK/NA                    6     6     3     2     5     3

22. How likely do you think it is that there will be a terrorist attack in New York City when the Republican party holds its convention there this summer? Very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not likely at all?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Very likely              7%    8%    7%    7%    6%    8%    8%    5%    9%
Smwht likely            32    37    31    31    34    26    35    27    35
Not too likely          32    28    34    31    35    30    28    34    30
Not likely at all       23    19    20    26    19    28    23    28    18
DK/NA                    7     7     7     5     6     9     5     6     8

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl  HsHold

Very likely              6%    6%    8%    7%   10%    6%
Smwht likely            29    26    34    33    51    31
Not too likely          30    36    33    30    21    32
Not likely at all       30    24    19    21    17    24
DK/NA                    5     8     7     9     3     6


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