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New Yorkers Split On Mike, Give Bush Bronx Cheer, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Most Back Peaceful Protests, But Will Be Good Hosts

Aug 26, 2004 44 42 14 Jul 20, 2004 49 39 12 Jun 9, 2004 50 38 12 Mar 31, 2004 47 41 12 Feb 4, 2004 44 45 11 Nov 25, 2003 37 51 13 Oct 22, 2003 42 47 12 Sep 9, 2003 38 52 11 Jul 2, 2003 31 60 8 May 7, 2003 32 56 12 Feb 26, 2003 48 41 11 Nov 21, 2002 41 46 13 Jul 18, 2002 57 23 19 Mar 27, 2002 62 16 22 Feb 6, 2002 65 6 29
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President?

                        App   Dis   DK/NA

Aug 26, 2004            25    70     5
Jul 20, 2004            24    72     4
Jun 10, 2004            24    72     5
Feb 4, 2004             31    64     5
Nov 25, 2003            31    64     5
Sep 10, 2003            30    64     6
May 7, 2003             44    50     6
Mar 28, 2002            64    28     8
Feb 6, 2002             68    23     9

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                        App   Dis   DK/NA

Aug 26, 2004            63    17    20
Jul 20, 2004            61    21    18
Jun 9, 2004             67    16    17
Mar 31, 2004            67    16    17
Feb 4&5, 2004           65    16    19
Nov 25, 2003            69    15    16
Jul 3, 2003             63    24    13
May 7, 2003             68    15    17
Feb 26, 2003            68    18    14

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 44%   65%   38%   47%   52%   37%   33%   48%   41%
Disapprove              42    25    47    39    36    46    53    39    45
DK/NA                   14    10    15    14    12    17    14    14    15

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 35%   41%   58%   39%   48%
Disapprove              49    48    29    42    39
DK/NA                   16    11    13    19    13

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 25%   83%   10%   23%   34%   18%   16%   30%   21%
Disapprove              70    12    86    70    63    75    78    66    73
DK/NA                    5     4     4     6     3     7     5     4     6

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 24%   27%   17%   23%   55%
Disapprove              73    69    80    68    39
DK/NA                    3     4     3     8     6

3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 63%   75%   57%   67%   71%   60%   54%   68%   59%
Disapprove              17    12    18    18    10    22    25    16    18
DK/NA                   20    13    25    15    19    18    21    16    23

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 58%   62%   63%   63%   74%
Disapprove              28    15    14    17    14
DK/NA                   14    23    23    19    12

4. As you may know the 2004 Republican national convention will be held in New York City. Do you think this will be good for New York City, bad for New York City, or won't it make a difference?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Good                    30%   44%   27%   28%   28%   32%   33%   33%   27%
Bad                     33    20    38    32    37    29    32    28    38
No difference           33    29    31    35    30    36    34    35    31
DK/NA                    4     7     3     4     5     4     -     4     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Good                    32%   32%   22%   30%   38%
Bad                     24    30    45    32    28
No difference           39    33    29    32    33
DK/NA                    5     4     4     5     1

5. Do any of the following describe your own personal feelings about the Republican convention being held in New York City? a. Would you say you feel proud about the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     25%   60%   18%   21%   25%   21%   29%   29%   22%
No                      70    37    79    74    73    73    63    68    73
DK/NA                    4     3     3     5     2     7     8     3     5

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     25%   25%   16%   30%   41%
No                      64    70    82    67    56
DK/NA                   11     5     2     2     3

5b. Would you say you feel worried about the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     50%   33%   59%   46%   49%   47%   58%   38%   60%
No                      49    66    41    54    50    52    40    61    39
DK/NA                    1     2     1     -     1     1     2     1     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     52%   55%   51%   44%   42%
No                      46    44    48    55    56
DK/NA                    1     1     2     1     2

5c. Would you say you feel annoyed about the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     41%   18%   49%   41%   44%   30%   46%   38%   43%
No                      57    80    50    57    54    68    51    61    55
DK/NA                    2     2     1     2     2     2     2     1     2

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     30%   44%   57%   35%   22%
No                      67    54    42    65    76
DK/NA                    3     2     1     -     2

5d. Would you say you feel excited about the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     14%   40%   10%   11%   14%   15%   15%   17%   12%
No                      84    58    89    89    84    83    83    82    86
DK/NA                    1     2     1     -     1     2     2     1     2

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     11%   17%   10%   15%   22%
No                      87    82    87    85    76
DK/NA                    2     1     2     1     2

5e. Would you say you feel uninterested about the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     47%   32%   51%   45%   37%   53%   55%   47%   46%
No                      49    64    46    50    59    41    43    48    51
DK/NA                    4     4     3     4     3     5     2     5     3

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     56%   43%   44%   49%   41%
No                      36    52    55    47    55
DK/NA                    8     4     1     4     4

6. Do you think that the Republican convention and the protests associated with the convention will or will not cause a major disruption to the routine business of the city?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes/Will                66%   56%   73%   63%   65%   64%   67%   59%   72%
No/Will not             30    42    24    33    30    33    29    38    24
DK/NA                    4     3     4     4     5     3     3     3     4

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes/Will                68%   69%   70%   59%   59%
No/Will not             28    25    28    38    38
DK/NA                    4     6     2     3     3

7. Do you think New Yorkers will be good hosts during the Republican convention?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes/Will                77%   88%   73%   79%   87%   72%   69%   79%   76%
No/Will not             15     6    19    15     9    17    25    14    17
DK/NA                    7     5     9     6     4    11     6     7     8

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes/Will                76%   75%   79%   78%   81%
No/Will not             17    16    16    13    12
DK/NA                    7     9     5     9     7

8. Do you expect that the Republican convention will disrupt your daily routine or not? IF YES: Would you say A lot, or only a little?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes/A lot               24%   14%   28%   24%   19%   23%   32%   21%   27%
Yes/Only a little       14     8    17    15    15     9    20    15    13
No                      60    77    53    60    65    67    46    63    58
DK/NA                    1     1     1     1     1     1     1     -     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes/A lot               21%   23%   32%   21%   24%
Yes/Only a little       14    14    18    15     2
No                      63    62    49    63    73
DK/NA                    1     1     1     1     1

9. Do you think that New York City hosting the Republican national convention will help or hurt its chances of being selected as the site for the 2012 Olympics?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Help                    42%   59%   40%   43%   35%   54%   51%   46%   40%
Hurt                    16     7    19    14    14    15    20    14    17
DK/NA                   42    34    41    43    51    31    29    41    43

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Help                    52%   37%   33%   48%   55%
Hurt                    18    16    19    13     7
DK/NA                   30    47    48    38    38

10. Are you planning on leaving New York City as a result of the Republican convention being held in New York City?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     10%    8%   10%   12%   12%    9%    4%    9%   10%
No                      87    87    86    85    83    89    94    88    86
AWAY ANYWAY(VOL)         3     5     3     2     4     1     1     3     3
DK/NA                    1     -     1     1     1     -     1     -     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                      7%    7%   16%    9%    8%
No                      92    90    77    89    89
AWAY ANYWAY(VOL)         1     2     5     2     2
DK/NA                    -     1     1     -     -

11. Have you heard or read about any special discount programs involving restaurants, Broadway shows, and other attractions during the Republican convention?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     48%   47%   45%   51%   54%   39%   41%   48%   47%
No                      52    52    54    49    45    59    59    52    52
DK/NA                    1     1     1     -     1     1     -     -     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     38%   49%   58%   45%   39%
No                      62    50    42    55    61
DK/NA                    1     2     -     -     -

12. Do you think you will take advantage of any of these discount programs?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     23%   33%   19%   25%   14%   27%   29%   25%   21%
No                      72    61    77    70    80    68    67    69    75
DK/NA                    5     6     4     5     6     5     4     6     4

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     30%   21%   15%   28%   17%
No                      66    73    78    66    79
DK/NA                    4     6     6     5     4

13. Do you plan to participate in any demonstrations involving the Republican convention?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     11%    3%   11%   12%   13%   10%    9%   11%   10%
No                      87    97    86    86    86    89    89    87    88
DK/NA                    2     -     3     2     2     2     2     2     2

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                      7%   11%   15%   10%    5%
No                      91    85    83    89    95
DK/NA                    2     4     2     1     -

14. When the Republican convention comes to New York, do you think the city should or should not allow protestors to demonstrate in Central Park?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Should                  71%   52%   76%   75%   66%   76%   71%   75%   67%
Should not              24    45    19    20    28    18    25    21    26
DK/NA                    5     3     5     5     6     6     4     4     6

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Should                  72%   68%   71%   77%   59%
Should not              23    26    23    19    39
DK/NA                    5     6     7     4     2

15. Do you approve or disapprove of lawful demonstrations during the Republican convention?
                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 81%   73%   79%   90%   87%   77%   70%   86%   77%
Disapprove              15    25    16     8    11    18    23    12    17
DK/NA                    4     2     5     1     2     6     7     2     6

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 80%   78%   80%   88%   76%
Disapprove              15    17    14    11    24
DK/NA                    5     5     7     1     -

16. Do you approve or disapprove of non-violent civil disobedience during the Republican convention?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 68%   47%   72%   75%   64%   77%   67%   70%   66%
Disapprove              27    51    23    22    31    19    27    26    27
DK/NA                    5     2     5     3     5     4     6     3     6

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 66%   72%   70%   66%   61%
Disapprove              26    23    25    30    38
DK/NA                    8     5     5     4     1

17. Do you approve or disapprove of violent demonstrations during the Republican convention?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                  4%    1%    4%    5%    4%    2%    6%    4%    4%
Disapprove              95    99    95    94    95    97    92    95    95
DK/NA                    1     -     1     -     1     2     2     1     1

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                  4%    4%    6%    2%    3%
Disapprove              95    95    92    97    97
DK/NA                    1     1     2     -     -

18. Do you approve or disapprove of the FBI questioning people who plan to demonstrate?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Approve                 44%   71%   40%   35%   46%   40%   50%   44%   44%
Disapprove              50    26    55    59    47    54    45    51    49
DK/NA                    6     3     6     6     7     5     6     6     7

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Approve                 45%   43%   35%   44%   73%
Disapprove              48    50    58    49    27
DK/NA                    6     7     7     7     -

19. How likely do you think it is that there will be a terrorist attack in New York City when the Republican party holds its convention there? -- Very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not likely at all?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Very likely              6%    6%    8%    4%    3%    8%   10%    5%    7%
Smwht likely            25    18    31    20    23    31    32    19    30
Not very likely         35    38    30    41    39    28    27    35    34
Not likely at all       27    36    23    29    26    24    27    36    20
DK/NA                    7     3     7     7     9     8     4     5     9

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Very likely              5%    7%    7%    7%    2%
Smwht likely            31    23    23    25    31
Not very likely         27    35    38    35    36
Not likely at all       28    29    23    28    23
DK/NA                    8     6     9     6     7

20. Do you think that New York City is adequately prepared to deal with a major terrorist attack during the Republican convention, or not?

                        Tot   Rep   Dem   Ind   Wht   Blk   Hisp  Men   Wom

Yes                     49%   66%   47%   43%   53%   48%   46%   52%   47%
No                      41    24    45    46    38    47    41    38    44
DK/NA                   10    10     8    10    10     5    13    10     9

                        Brnx  Kngs  Man   Qns   StIsl

Yes                     50%   51%   41%   50%   61%
No                      40    42    48    40    26
DK/NA                   10     8    11    10    12


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