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Keep School Vouchers And Take Drunk Drivers' Cars, New York State Voters Tell Quinnipiac College Poll; Gore-Bush Presidential Race Is Very Close

Approve 60% 68% 45% 65% 82% 45% 63% 67% 53% 60% Disapprove 30 22 42 26 13 44 26 26 33 27 DK/NA 11 10 13 9 5 11 11 7 13 13
4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as President?
                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Approve             64%   61%   75%   57%   35%   87%   61%   61%   67%   70%
Disapprove          32    36    22    38    63    10    34    37    28    27
DK/NA                3     3     3     5     2     3     5     2     4     7

16. Is your opinion of President Bill Clinton favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about him?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999
Favorable           46%   43%   60%   34%   22%   70%   39%   46%   46%   46%
Unfavorable         31    37    19    38    65     8    33    36    27    28
Mixed               21    19    21    25    12    21    27    17    25    24
Haven't hrd enough   1     -     1     1     -     1     1     1     1     1
REFUSED              1     -     -     2     -     -     1     -     1     1

17. Is your opinion of Texas Governor George W. Bush favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about him?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Favorable           40%   44%   32%   45%   64%   22%   43%   43%   38%   32%
Unfavorable         14    11    20    10     3    21    13    13    15    13
Mixed               13    14    13    13     9    18    13    14    13     9
Haven't hrd enough  31    31    33    29    24    38    30    28    34    45
REFUSED              1     -     1     3     -     1     1     2     1     1

18. Is your opinion of Vice President Al Gore favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about him?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Favorable           43%   46%   48%   31%   20%   63%   38%   42%   43%   39%
Unfavorable         24    23    19    32    48     9    23    28    21    21
Mixed               24    24    22    28    26    18    29    22    26    22
Haven't hrd enough   9     7    11     8     5    10     9     8     9    17
REFUSED              1     1     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -

19. Is your opinion of former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about him?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Favorable           43%   34%   47%   50%   37%   46%   46%   54%   33%   35%
Unfavorable          6     6     7     5     9     5     5     7     5     4
Mixed               11    11    12     9    12     9    10    10    11     7
Haven't hrd enough  40    48    33    34    41    39    38    28    50    53
REFUSED              1     1     1     2     2     1     1     1     2     1

20. Is your opinion of former Red Cross Chairwoman Elizabeth Dole favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about her?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999
Favorable           50%   57%   39%   54%   62%   40%   52%   49%   52%   40%
Unfavorable         11    11    16     6     7    16    10    12    11    12
Mixed               14    12    14    18    14    16    12    15    13    13
Haven't hrd enough  24    21    30    21    16    28    25    24    23    34
REFUSED              -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -     -     1

21. If the election for President in the year 2000 were being held today and the candidates were Vice President Al Gore the Democrat and Texas Governor George W. Bush the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Al Gore             47%   42%   59%   40%   12%   78%   41%   44%   50%   49%
George W. Bush      42    47    30    50    81    13    46    47    38    40
SOMEONE ELSE (VOL)   1     1     2     1     -     1     2     -     2     1
WOULDN'T VOTE (VOL)  1     1     2     1     1     1     1     1     2     2
DK/NA                8     9     7     8     6     6    11     8     8     8

22. If the election for President in the year 2000 were being held today and the candidates were former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley the Democrat and Texas Governor George W. Bush the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Bill Bradley        45%   36%   57%   45%   15%   71%   41%   49%   42%   41%
George W. Bush      39    48    28    39    76    15    38    39    39    38
SOMEONE ELSE (VOL)   1     1     1     1     -     1     1     1     1     2
WOULDN'T VOTE (VOL)  2     2     2     1     1     3     1     1     2     3
DK/NA               13    13    12    15     8    10    18    10    16    16

23. If the election for President in the year 2000 were being held today and the candidates were Vice President Al Gore the Democrat and former Red Cross Chairwoman Elizabeth Dole the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Al Gore             49%   41%   62%   44%   17%   75%   44%   51%   46%   50%
Elizabeth Dole      38    44    25    43    67    14    42    37    38    37
SOMEONE ELSE (VOL)   2     3     2     1     2     2     2     2     2     2
WOULDN'T VOTE (VOL)  2     1     3     3     2     2     2     3     2     2
DK/NA               10    11     8     9    11     7    10     7    12    10

24. If the election for President in the year 2000 were being held today and the candidates were former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley the Democrat and former Red Cross Chairwoman Elizabeth Dole the Republican, for whom would you vote?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Bill Bradley        47%   38%   59%   46%   22%   69%   43%   54%   40%   46%
Elizabeth Dole      35    44    22    35    55    17    36    30    39    34
SOMEONE ELSE (VOL)   1     1     2     1     1     1     2     1     1     2
WOULDN'T VOTE (VOL)  3     2     4     3     3     2     3     2     3     2
DK/NA               14    14    13    16    19    10    16    13    16    16

25. Is your opinion of the Democratic party favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you heard enough about it?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Favorable           39%   36%   47%   34%   11%   74%   26%   39%   39%   39%
Unfavorable         17    21    13    17    45     2    16    22    13    17
Mixed               39    40    35    44    41    22    51    36    43    38
Haven't hrd enough   4     3     4     5     2     3     6     3     5     5
REFUSED              -     -     1     -     1     -     -     -     1     1

26. Is your opinion of the Republican party favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't you hear d enough about it?

                                                                          Feb 24
                    Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom   1999

Favorable           19%   20%   14%   23%   53%    3%   15%   20%   18%   19%
Unfavorable         34    27    49    26     8    60    27    33    34    38
Mixed               42    48    30    48    37    32    51    43    41    37
Haven't hrd enough   5     5     6     4     1     6     6     3     6     5
REFUSED              1     1     1     -     1     -     1     -     1     2

27. Has the handling of the impeachment matter by House and Senate Republicans made you more likely to vote for Republican candidates in elections in the year 2000, less likely to vote for Republican candidates, or hasn't it had an effect?

                        Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom

More likely             11%   11%    9%   13%   33%    2%    8%   11%   11%
Less likely             45    40    56    42    14    69    43    45    46
No effect               40    47    31    42    52    25    47    41    40
DK/NA                    3     2     4     3     1     4     3     3     3

28. Has the handling of the impeachment matter by House and Senate Democrats made you more likely to vote for Democratic candidates in elections in the year 2000, less likely to vote for Democratic candidates, or hasn't it had an effect?

                        Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom

More likely             27%   23%   37%   21%    6%   51%   19%   26%   28%
Less likely             19    20    14    22    49     3    17    24    14
No effect               51    54    44    53    44    43    61    48    54
DK/NA                    3     2     4     4     1     3     2     2     5

29. Do you think having the police seize the cars of people arrested for drunken driving is a good idea or a bad idea?

                        Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom
Good idea               54%   51%   56%   55%   52%   59%   53%   46%   60%
Bad idea                40    42    39    39    43    36    41    50    32
DK/NA                    6     6     5     6     5     5     6     3     8

30. Some people have suggested that parents should be given government funded school vouchers to help pay for their children to attend private school.

                        Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom

Good idea               43%   37%   47%   46%   51%   41%   40%   42%   44%
Bad idea                49    54    44    46    42    53    49    50    48
DK/NA                    8     9     9     8     7     6    12     9     8

30a. If school vouchers are available, should parents be able to use them for schools run by religious organizations or not?

                        Tot   Ups   NYC   Sub   Rep   Dem   Ind   Men   Wom
Yes                     59%   62%   52%   63%   70%   53%   57%   57%   61%
No                      34    33    39    30    26    41    34    37    32
DK/NA                    7     6     9     7     4     6    10     6     8


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