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Whitman-Lautenberg Would Tie In Jersey Senate Race, Quinnipiac College Poll Finds; Bradley Gets A Good Look In Run For President

Approve 58% 75% 42% 59% 59% 57% 58% Disapprove 37 22 52 35 35 38 38 DK/NA 6 3 6 7 6 5 4
1A. Is that strongly or somewhat?
                                                                          Mar 4
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     1998

Approve strongly          22%     38%     11%     19%     23%     20%     22%

Approve smwht             36      37      30      40      36      36      37

Disapprove smwht          18      11      23      17      18      18      17

Disapprove strongly       19      11      29      17      18      20      21

DK/NA                      6       3       6       7       6       5       3

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Frank Lautenberg is handling his job as United States Senator?

                                                                          Mar 4
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     1998

Approve                   51%     39%     63%     53%     48%     54%     52%

Disapprove                25      38      12      26      32      20      23

DK/NA                     23      22      25      21      20      26      25

3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Robert Torricelli is handling his job as United States Senator?

                                                                          Mar 4
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     1998

Approve                   42%     29%     53%     45%     41%     43%     45%

Disapprove                25      39      11      26      30      21      23

DK/NA                     33      32      35      29      29      36      32

4. If former United States Senator Bill Bradley runs for President in the year 2000, how much chance is there that you would vote for him? Is there a good chance, some chance, or no chance?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     

Good chance               42%     28%     52%     45%     42%     41%  

Some chance               34      37      31      36      31      37

No chance                 18      30      12      13      23      15

DK/NA                      6       5       5       6       5       7

5. If the election for Senator in the year 2000 were being held today and the candidates were Frank Lautenberg the Democrat, and Christine Whitman the Republican, for whom you would vote?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     

Lautenberg                45%     13%     75%     45%     42%     47%

Whitman                   44      78      16      45      47      42

SOMEONE ELSE(VOL)          2       1       3       1       3       2

WOULDN'T VOTE(VOL)         2       3       1       2       3       2

DK/NA                      6       5       4       6       7       6

6. If Christine Whitman were the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in the year 2000, would that make you more likely to vote for the Republican ticket, less likely, or wouldn't it make a difference?

                                                                          Mar 4
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     1998

More likely               20%     34%     10%     22%     19%     21%     17%

Less likely               29      14      44      26      26      31      32

No difference             46      51      41      47      50      43      46

DK/NA                      5       2       5       6       4       6       5

7. Would you describe Christine Whitman more as a leader or a follower?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom     

Leader                    73%     86%     67%     72%     71%     74%

Follower                  18       9      27      17      19      17

NEITHER(VOL)               5       3       3       7       5       5

DK/NA                      4       2       3       5       4       4

8. Would you describe Christine Whitman more as intelligent or only average?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Intelligent               74%     81%     70%     74%     74%     75%

Only average              23      17      28      23      24      22

NEITHER(VOL)               1       1       -       1       1       1

DK/NA                      2       -       2       2       2       2

9. Would you describe Christine Whitman more as confident or insecure?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Confident                 84%     90%     81%     83%     81%     86%

Insecure                   9       5      12       9      11       7

NEITHER(VOL)               4       4       3       5       5       4

DK/NA                      3       1       3       3       4       3

10. Would you describe Christine Whitman more as warm and friendly or cold and unfriendly?

                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Warm and friendly         56%     73%     45%     53%     58%     54%

Cold and unfriendly       25      12      37      26      22      28

NEITHER(VOL)              13      12      12      14      13      13

DK/NA                      6       4       7       7       7       6

11. Would you describe Christine Whitman more as sincere or insincere?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Sincere                   62%     81%     51%     58%     64%     59%

Insincere                 27      10      38      28      25      28

NEITHER(VOL)               7       6       6       7       7       7

DK/NA                      5       2       5       7       5       5

12. Do you think Christine Whitman cares about the needs and problems of people like you?
                          Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Yes                       50%     72%     30%     51%     53%     48%

No                        43      24      62      42      41      45

DK/NA                      7       4       8       7       7       7


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