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Christie Would Be Unhappy 'second Fiddle,' New Jersey Voters Tell Quinnipiac University Poll; Menendez Can't Break 50 Percent Against Unknown

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New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie would not be satisfied "playing second fiddle" as vice president, New Jersey voters say 52 - 36 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. The only people who think the governor would be satisfied are Republicans, 49 - 39 percent. All other political, gender and regional groups say he would not be satisfied.

Christie gives no measurable boost to the Republican presidential effort in the Garden State as a ticket of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with Gov. Christie running for vice president trails President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden 50 - 42 percent.

In an Obama-Romney matchup, with no running mates named, the Democrat wins 49 - 39 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.

There is a big gender gap, even with Christie on the ticket, as men go 46 percent for the Republican slate to 43 percent for the Democrats while women go Democratic 56 - 38 percent. Republicans back their team 87 - 7 percent while Democrats stay loyal 90 - 5 percent. Independent voters are divided: 44 percent Republican and 43 percent Democratic.

"Gov. Christopher Christie is an in-the-spotlight soloist, in Trenton and on the national campaign trail. Would he be content to play second fiddle as vice president? New Jersey voters doubt it. They know their combative 'Jersey Guy' Gov and they continue to give him high marks on the way he does his job," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

"Color New Jersey blue. President Barack Obama beats Gov. Mitt Romney and Christie's presence on the Republican ticket doesn't help Romney."

New Jersey voters like President Obama and Gov. Christie best of the four national leaders, giving Obama a 54 - 41 percent favorability rating to Christie's 53 - 39 percent score. Romney has a negative 35 - 41 percent favorability and Biden gets a positive 41 - 34 percent score.

Voters approve 57 - 38 percent of the job Christie is doing, close to his all-time high 59 - 36 percent in an April 11 Quinnipiac University poll. Men approve 61 - 34 percent while women approve 53 - 41 percent. Approval is 87 - 11 percent among Republicans and 61 - 32 percent among independent voters. Democrats disapprove 63 - 30 percent.

New Jersey voters approve 53 - 43 percent of the job Obama is doing and say 52 - 44 percent he deserves to be reelected.

U.S. Senate Race

Democratic incumbent U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez leads State Sen. Joseph Kyrillos, the Republican challenger, 45 - 35 percent, compared to a 44 - 35 percent lead April 12. Democrats back Menendez 80 - 3 percent while Republicans back Kyrillos 79 - 7 percent. Independents back Menendez 39 - 33 percent. Women back the Democrat 47 - 29 percent while men are split 42 - 41 percent.

Menendez gets a 44 - 30 percent job approval rating and voters say 42 - 33 percent he deserves six more years in the U.S. Senate.

New Jersey voters have a 37 - 26 percent favorable opinion of Menendez, while 36 percent don't know enough about him to form an opinion.

For Kyrillos, 75 percent don't know enough to form an opinion.

"We'll keep a close eye on this U.S. Senate race. Sen. Robert Menendez's lead is far from solid, running against State Sen. Joseph Kyrillos, who is about as close as a politician can get to anonymous," Carroll said. "As a long-time New Jersey power in Trenton and Washington, Menendez would feel a lot better if he could hit 50 percent on his approval rating and his matchup number."

From May 9 - 14, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,582 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more data or RSS feed-, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter.

1. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Obama                49%     5%    89%    44%    45%    52%    42%    92%
Romney               39     84      2     41     44     34     45      1
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      1      1      3      3      1      2      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      2      1      3      3      2      3      -
DK/NA                 8      7      7     10      6     10      8      5
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Obama                48%    39%    32%    38%    38%    46%
Romney               41     47     56     49     52     39
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      3      4      1      3      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      3      1      4      3      3
DK/NA                 8      8      8      8      5     10
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Obama                51%    47%    48%    54%    45%    53%    44%    47%    46%
Romney               38     39     36     36     43     33     45     41     47
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      3      4      2      1      1      3      2      -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      3      4      2      1      2      2      3      3
DK/NA                 9      8      8      6     10     12      6      7      4
TREND: If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote? (2011 wording referenced "2012 election")
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Oct 13
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011
Obama                49      49      49      48      49      47
Romney               39      40      39      38      40      41
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2       2       1       2       2       2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2       2       4       4       3       3
DK/NA                 8       7       7       9       7       7
2. Let's say the Democratic ticket is Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president and the Republican ticket is Mitt Romney for president and Christopher Christie for vice president. If you were voting today, how would you vote?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Obama/Biden          50%     7%    90%    43%    43%    56%    44%    93%
Romney/Christie      42     87      5     44     46     38     48      2
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      -      -      2      2      -      1      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      2      -      2      3      1      2      -
DK/NA                 6      4      5      8      6      6      5      4
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Obama/Biden          50%    41%    35%    40%    37%    50%
Romney/Christie      44     50     58     52     54     42
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       -      1      1      1      2      -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      2      1      2      2      1
DK/NA                 5      5      5      5      5      6
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Obama/Biden          53%    48%    51%    54%    46%    55%    44%    48%    43%
Romney/Christie      40     42     38     39     46     36     48     45     51
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       -      1      2      -      1      1      2      -      -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      2      3      1      1      1      2      2      3
DK/NA                 5      7      5      5      7      8      4      5      3
TREND: Let's say the Democratic ticket is Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president and the Republican ticket is Mitt Romney for president and Christopher Christie for vice president. If you were voting today, how would you vote?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29
                     2012    2012    2012
Obama/Biden          50      49      49
Romney/Christie      42      42      43
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1       1       1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2       2       2
DK/NA                 6       6       5
3. Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            54%    12%    89%    50%    49%    57%    47%    92%
Unfavorable          41     83      8     42     45     37     47      4
Hvn't hrd enough      3      2      2      5      4      3      3      3
REFUSED               3      3      1      3      2      4      3      1
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Favorable            53%    43%    37%    44%    42%    52%
Unfavorable          43     50     57     50     54     41
Hvn't hrd enough      2      3      1      3      3      3
REFUSED               2      3      5      2      2      4
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Favorable            55%    53%    58%    55%    51%    57%    47%    52%    53%
Unfavorable          40     41     34     40     44     36     48     42     47
Hvn't hrd enough      3      3      6      3      1      3      3      4      -
REFUSED               3      3      3      2      4      4      2      2      -
TREND: Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 12  Nov 16  Oct 13  Nov 19  Nov 19  Jan 25
                     2012    2012    2011    2011    2008    2008    2007
Favorable            54      52      50      47      64      64      41
Unfavorable          41      43      44      47      21      21       9
Hvn't hrd enough      3       2       3       3      11      11      49
REFUSED               3       2       2       4       4       4       1 
4. Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            35%    69%     8%    36%    39%    31%    38%    12%
Unfavorable          41     12     67     37     39     43     39     52
Hvn't hrd enough     21     16     22     24     20     22     20     33
REFUSED               3      2      3      3      2      4      2      3
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Favorable            40%    37%    44%    45%    43%    34%
Unfavorable          41     38     34     31     37     41
Hvn't hrd enough     17     22     17     22     18     22
REFUSED               2      3      5      2      2      3
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Favorable            37%    33%    28%    32%    40%    29%    41%    37%    46%
Unfavorable          44     40     46     45     35     39     38     44     37
Hvn't hrd enough     17     24     25     21     20     27     20     16     16
REFUSED               3      3      -      2      5      4      1      2      1
TREND: Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? (* High also 39% Nov 2011)
                                                              High    Low   
                     May 16  Apr 12  Nov 16  Oct 13  Sep 26   Apr 12  Jan 25
                     2012    2012    2011    2011    2007     2012*   2007  
Favorable            35      39      39      35      22       39      11    
Unfavorable          41      37      29      31      27       37      12    
Hvn't hrd enough     21      21      30      32      49       21      76    
REFUSED               3       3       2       1       2        3       1    
5. Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            41%    15%    70%    35%    39%    43%    37%    69%
Unfavorable          34     65      7     36     38     30     39      5
Hvn't hrd enough     24     18     21     28     21     26     22     24
REFUSED               1      2      2      1      1      2      2      2
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Favorable            45%    33%    29%    35%    34%    40%
Unfavorable          37     39     48     42     44     34
Hvn't hrd enough     17     26     21     22     21     24
REFUSED               1      2      2      2      1      2
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Favorable            47%    37%    28%    45%    43%    42%    40%    43%    38%
Unfavorable          34     34     24     34     38     26     41     36     45
Hvn't hrd enough     19     27     46     20     17     30     20     21     17
REFUSED               1      2      1      1      1      2      -      1      -
6. Is your opinion of Christopher Christie favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            53%    84%    23%    57%    59%    47%    57%    23%
Unfavorable          39     12     65     33     34     43     35     62
Hvn't hrd enough      7      3      9      8      6      8      6     14
REFUSED               2      1      3      2      1      2      2      2
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Favorable            55%    58%    67%    60%    63%    52%
Unfavorable          39     33     25     31     31     39
Hvn't hrd enough      4      7      6      7      5      7
REFUSED               2      1      2      2      2      2
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Favorable            52%    53%    45%    54%    54%    47%    55%    54%    75%
Unfavorable          40     38     41     40     37     42     37     41     21
Hvn't hrd enough      5      8     12      5      6      9      5      4      3
REFUSED               2      2      2      2      2      2      4      -      2
TREND: Is your opinion of Christopher Christie favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Jun 17  Jan 20  Nov 24  Jun 10  May 16  Aug 12
                     2012    2010    2010    2009    2009    2012    2008
Favorable            53      42      33      36      36      53      21
Unfavorable          39      40      27      25      16      39       7
Hvn't hrd enough      7      17      38      37      46       7      69
REFUSED               2       1       3       2       2       2       2
7. If the election for United States Senator were being held today, and the candidates were Robert Menendez the Democrat and Joe Kyrillos the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Menendez             45%     7%    80%    39%    42%    47%    40%    77%
Kyrillos             35     79      3     33     41     29     40      5
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       -      -      1      -      1      -      -      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      -      2      2      1      2      1      2
DK/NA                19     14     15     26     15     22     19     14
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Menendez             57%    47%    34%    50%    35%
Kyrillos             26     30     44     31     45
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       -      -      -      2      -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      1      3      3      1
DK/NA                15     22     18     14     20
TREND: If the election for United States Senator were being held today, and the candidates were Robert Menendez the Democrat and Joe Kyrillos the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29
                     2012    2012    2012
Menendez             45      44      49
Kyrillos             35      35      34
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       -       1       1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2       2       2
DK/NA                19      18      14
8. Is your opinion of Robert Menendez favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            37%    10%    59%    36%    35%    38%    34%    50%
Unfavorable          26     51      5     27     34     19     29      9
Hvn't hrd enough     36     38     34     36     30     41     36     37
REFUSED               1      1      2      1      1      2      1      4
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Favorable            53%    39%    30%    36%    28%
Unfavorable          20     25     31     20     33
Hvn't hrd enough     27     35     37     43     35
REFUSED               1      1      1      1      3
TREND: Is your opinion of Robert Menendez favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29
                     2012    2012    2012
Favorable            37      35      38
Unfavorable          26      27      24
Hvn't hrd enough     36      37      36
REFUSED               1       1       2 
9. Is your opinion of Joe Kyrillos favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Favorable            17%    35%     6%    15%    21%    13%    18%    11%
Unfavorable           7      1     13      6      9      6      6     15
Hvn't hrd enough     75     62     81     78     69     81     76     72
REFUSED               1      2      -      1      1      1      -      2
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Favorable             8%    17%    17%    14%    25%
Unfavorable           8      8      7      6      6
Hvn't hrd enough     78     75     76     80     68
REFUSED               6      -      -      -      -
TREND: Is your opinion of Joe Kyrillos favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29
                     2012    2012    2012
Favorable            17      14      11
Unfavorable           7       6       6
Hvn't hrd enough     75      79      82
REFUSED               1       1       1 
10. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christopher Christie is handling his job as Governor?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              57%    87%    30%    61%    61%    53%    62%    28%
Disapprove           38     11     63     32     34     41     34     64
DK/NA                 6      2      7      7      5      7      4      8
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Approve              47%    54%    67%    46%    70%
Disapprove           45     41     30     44     26
DK/NA                 8      5      3      9      5
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christopher Christie is handling his job as Governor? (*Low approve also 44% Jun 2010)
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Apr 11  Jun 21
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2012    2011*
Approve              57      59      55      53      56      59      44
Disapprove           38      36      38      39      38      36      47
DK/NA                 6       5       7       8       6       5      10 
11. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Stephen Sweeney is handling his job as State Senate President?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              25%    25%    25%    27%    30%    21%    27%    29%
Disapprove           25     24     24     27     30     21     25     25
DK/NA                49     51     50     46     39     58     48     46
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Approve              22%    23%    25%    29%    29%
Disapprove           18     24     28     32     24
DK/NA                60     53     47     39     47
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Stephen Sweeney is handling his job as State Senate President?
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Oct 12
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011
Approve              25      27      28      27      23      23
Disapprove           25      27      26      26      28      29
DK/NA                49      46      46      47      50      48
12. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Sheila Oliver is handling her job as Assembly Speaker?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              20%    13%    26%    20%    21%    19%    17%    42%
Disapprove           19     25     13     20     24     15     20     16
DK/NA                61     61     61     59     55     66     63     42
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Approve              31%    18%    18%    15%    22%
Disapprove           13     20     25     19     19
DK/NA                56     62     58     65     58
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Sheila Oliver is handling her job as Assembly Speaker? (*High also 24% Jan 2012, Jun 2011, **Low also 19% Aug 2010, Nov 2010)
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Feb 29  Nov 16
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2012*   2011**
Approve              20      23      24      24      19      24      19
Disapprove           19      19      20      20      21      20      21
DK/NA                61      58      57      55      60      57      60 
13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Robert Menendez is handling his job as United States Senator?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              44%    16%    68%    44%    42%    46%    42%    62%
Disapprove           30     59      6     32     38     23     33     12
DK/NA                26     25     26     25     20     31     25     26
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Approve              61%    43%    37%    44%    41%
Disapprove           23     28     39     26     36
DK/NA                17     29     24     30     23
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Robert Menendez is handling his job as United States Senator?
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Feb 29  Feb 20
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2012    2008
Approve              44      45      48      42      43      48      30
Disapprove           30      31      31      39      34      31      31
DK/NA                26      24      21      20      23      21      39 
14. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Frank Lautenberg is handling his job as United States Senator?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              46%    26%    67%    43%    45%    47%    44%    69%
Disapprove           34     58     12     39     40     29     38     11
DK/NA                20     16     22     18     15     24     18     20
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Approve              58%    49%    40%    40%    45%
Disapprove           25     32     43     34     37
DK/NA                17     19     17     27     18
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Frank Lautenberg is handling his job as United States Senator? (*High approve also 55% Sep 1999 & Jul 1999)
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Jul 27  Feb 20
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2000*   2008
Approve              46      46      49      42      45      55      39
Disapprove           34      34      36      43      38      22      31
DK/NA                20      20      15      15      17      23      29 
15. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Approve              53%     9%    88%    50%    48%    57%    47%    92%
Disapprove           43     89      8     44     49     38     50      5
DK/NA                 4      2      4      6      3      5      3      4
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Approve              52%    44%    37%    43%    42%    52%
Disapprove           45     53     60     54     56     44
DK/NA                 3      3      3      3      1      5
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Approve              54%    51%    63%    54%    47%    56%    49%    50%    46%
Disapprove           41     45     34     43     49     39     50     45     52
DK/NA                 4      4      3      3      4      5      1      5      2
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Jun 10  Oct 13
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2009    2011
Approve              53      51      51      49      48      68      43
Disapprove           43      46      45      48      48      25      52
DK/NA                 4       3       4       3       5       7       5 
16. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New Jersey today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Very satisfied        5%     9%     2%     6%     6%     5%     5%     6%
Smwht satisfied      47     58     38     50     49     46     50     37
Smwht dissatisfied   29     20     39     25     28     30     29     36
Very dissatisfied    18     12     20     19     17     19     15     20
DK/NA                 -      -      1      -      -      1      1      -
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Very satisfied        5%     5%     4%     4%     7%
Smwht satisfied      40     48     49     46     51
Smwht dissatisfied   35     28     28     32     24
Very dissatisfied    20     18     19     18     16
DK/NA                 -      -      -      -      1
TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New Jersey today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? (*High also 71% Feb 1999)
                                                             VERY+SMWHT SAT
                                                             High    Low
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 19  Nov 16  Dec 26  Jun 17
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2000*   2010
Very satisfied        5       8       6       4       5      10       2
Smwht satisfied      47      45      44      38      40      61      22
Smwht dissatisfied   29      30      30      34      33      21      36
Very dissatisfied    18      16      20      24      22       7      39
DK/NA                 -       1       1       1       1       1       1 
17. Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Yes/Deserves         52%     8%    90%    50%    47%    57%    45%    97%
No/Does not          44     90      6     45     50     39     51      3
DK/NA                 4      2      4      5      3      5      4      -
                     COLLEGE DEG
                     Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom
Yes/Deserves         51%    42%    35%    40%    39%    50%
No/Does not          45     54     61     55     58     44
DK/NA                 4      4      4      4      2      5
                     Yes    No     18-34  35-54  55+   <50K  50-100 100-250 >250
Yes/Deserves         54%    51%    57%    54%    49%    57%    47%    49%    48%
No/Does not          42     45     39     42     47     38     51     48     50
DK/NA                 4      4      4      4      4      6      2      3      3
TREND: Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Oct 13  Aug 17
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011    2011
Yes/Deserves         52      51      51      49      50      47      45
No/Does not          44      46      44      46      45      48      49
DK/NA                 4       3       5       6       5       5       6 
18. Do you feel that Robert Menendez deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Yes/Deserves         42%    12%    69%    40%    42%    43%    40%    61%
No/Does not          33     67      7     35     40     28     38      8
DK/NA                24     21     25     25     19     29     23     31
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Yes/Deserves         58%    43%    36%    43%    35%
No/Does not          26     30     43     30     41
DK/NA                17     27     21     27     24
TREND: Do you feel that Robert Menendez deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                     May 16  Apr 12  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Oct 13  Aug 17
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011    2011
Yes/Deserves         42      43      48      45      44      40      41
No/Does not          33      34      34      38      37      38      43
DK/NA                24      23      19      17      20      21      16 
19. Regardless of how you feel about Christopher Christie's policies, would you say you like or don't like Christopher Christie as a person?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Like                 57%    82%    35%    61%    60%    54%    60%    41%
Don't like           31     11     49     28     28     34     30     42
DK/NA                12      8     16     11     12     12     10     17
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Like                 47%    56%    65%    50%    65%
Don't like           40     32     28     34     24
DK/NA                13     13      7     16     11
TREND: Regardless of how you feel about Christopher Christie's policies, would you say you like or don't like Christopher Christie as a person? (* High also 59% Oct 2011)
                                                             High    Low   
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Apr 11  Jun 21
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2012*   2011  
Like                 57      59      56      55      55      59      49    
Don't like           31      31      32      32      32      31      33    
DK/NA                12      10      13      13      12      10      19    
20. And regardless of how you feel about Christopher Christie as a person, would you say you like or don't like most of Christopher Christie's policies?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Like                 54%    85%    25%    58%    59%    49%    60%    27%
Don't like           40     13     68     33     36     43     35     66
DK/NA                 7      3      6      9      6      8      5      6
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Like                 41%    51%    65%    47%    64%
Don't like           54     41     31     45     30
DK/NA                 5      7      5      9      6
TREND: And regardless of how you feel about Christopher Christie as a person, would you say you like or don't like most of Christopher Christie's policies?
                                                             High    Low   
                     May 16  Apr 11  Feb 29  Jan 18  Nov 16  Apr 11  Jun 21
                     2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2012    2011  
Like                 54      55      54      52      54      55      45    
Don't like           40      39      42      44      40      39      49    
DK/NA                 7       6       5       4       6       6       6    
43. Thinking about the possibility of Governor Christie becoming Vice President of the United States, some people say that Christie wouldn't be satisfied playing second fiddle. Do you agree or disagree?
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk
Agree                52%    39%    64%    52%    46%    57%    52%    66%
Disagree             36     49     25     36     41     31     36     26
DK/NA                12     13     11     13     13     12     11      9
                     Urban  SbUrbn ExUrbn land   Shore
Agree                55%    52%    47%    53%    52%
Disagree             29     35     44     35     38
DK/NA                17     14      9     12     10

Demographic Summary

Poll Questions