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68% Say Discrimination Against Black Americans A "Serious Problem," Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Slight Majority Support Removing Confederate Statues

With the United States at a moment of racial reckoning, voters say 68 - 27 percent that discrimination against black people in the United States is a serious problem, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. There are wide gaps by party, as 96 percent of Democrats and 69 percent of independents say discrimination against black people is a serious problem, while only 34 percent of Republicans say that. Broken down by race, 95 percent of black voters, 76 percent of Hispanic voters, and 62 percent of white voters say discrimination against black people is a serious problem.

Numbers are similar when it comes to the protests held around the country responding to George Floyd's death at the hands of police. Voters support the protests 67 - 28 percent.

"Two sharply contrasting views of America jump off the pages of this survey. To Democrats and independents, the African American population is under siege. From Republicans, a far different view of what is unfolding on our streets," said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.

More than half of voters, 57 percent, have a favorable opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement, while 30 percent have an unfavorable one.

Voters think 55 - 38 percent that protests around the country calling to end racial inequality will lead to meaningful reforms.


Voters support 52 - 44 percent removing Confederate statues from public spaces around the country. That is a 19-point swing in the gap of support since an August 23, 2017 poll when 39 percent supported the removal of Confederate statues and 50 percent opposed.

"Historic figures in granite and iron that seemed protected just a few years ago now face the wrecking ball of public opinion," added Malloy.

As for renaming military bases that were named after Confederate generals, voters are split 47 - 47 percent.


When it comes to views of police in the United States, slightly more voters, 49 - 44 percent, approve of the way the police are doing their job than disapprove. That is a substantial shift in opinion from April of 2018, when 65 percent of voters approved of the way police in the U.S. were doing their jobs and 26 percent disapproved.

However, voters give higher marks to police in their own communities. 77 percent approve of the way police in their community are doing their jobs while 19 percent disapprove. That's compared to 84 percent approval and 12 percent disapproval in October of 2016.

When asked whether being the victim of police brutality is something you personally worry about, 25 percent of voters say "yes," while 74 percent say "no." There is a stark difference by race, as 74 percent of black voters and 32 percent of Hispanic voters personally worry about being the victim of police brutality, compared to only 13 percent of white voters.


Voters support 66 - 27 percent banning the use of chokeholds by police departments in the United States. That includes 75 percent of Democrats, 67 percent of independents and 57 percent of Republicans.

When voters were asked whether they support or oppose cutting some funding from police departments in their community and shifting it to social services, 54 percent of voters oppose while 41 percent support the idea. Democrats support the idea 70 - 24 percent, Republicans oppose it 86 - 10 percent, and independents oppose it 56 - 40 percent.

Roughly 8 in 10 voters, 81 - 14 percent, say they oppose eliminating the current police department in their community and replacing it with a new one.


Voters say 48 - 42 percent that journalists are not being protected enough in the United States. Democrats say 80 - 15 percent that journalists are not protected enough, while Republicans say 70 - 16 percent that journalists are protected enough.

"'Protect the messengers,' say American voters, as the keepers of the Fourth Estate are maligned and battered," added Malloy.

1,332 self-identified registered voters nationwide were surveyed from June 11 - 15 with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts gold standard surveys using random digit dialing with live interviewers calling landlines and cell phones. The Quinnipiac University Poll conducts nationwide surveys and polls in more than a dozen states on national and statewide elections, as well as public policy issues.

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